Future Carbon Project #1

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Current carbon unit price $25.00/tCO2e


This future carbon contract is a demand signal for suppliers, it is a diversified set of projects relating to particular attributes, this case we are targeting a range of projects:

Type: Agriculture or farmland of sequestering carbon through the atmosphere.

Location: Europe/UK

Price Target: £25/~$32 per tonne of Co2e

Permanence Estimation: 25 Years 

That will amount to 100 tonnes of available carbon offset, to be pre-purchased.

Buyers of this carbon will effectively be pre-ordering carbon credits where they will be delivered to you after sourcing then subsequent onboarding.

All buyers will receive additional DOV staking bonuses based on their purchase. 


Bethesda Chapel, Victoria Square,

Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys, Wales, LD5 4SS

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